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W- OOP Ariadna Starter- paying cash

PostPosted: March 17th, 2017, 3:45 pm
by Grindhouse
Looking for all (or any) of contents of the OOP Ariadna Starter and the Vet Kazak blister. Located in USA. Paying 2x retail plus shipping if new/unpainted. Less if painted. Thank you in advance!

Re: W- OOP Ariadna Starter- paying cash

PostPosted: March 23rd, 2017, 11:57 pm
by M2Cat
Grindhouse wrote:Looking for all (or any) of contents of the OOP Ariadna Starter and the Vet Kazak blister. Located in USA. Paying 2x retail plus shipping if new/unpainted. Less if painted. Thank you in advance!

Could you post a picture of what exactly you are looking for?
I can help you to find these miniatures second-handed in my local club.

Re: W- OOP Ariadna Starter- paying cash

PostPosted: March 24th, 2017, 1:25 pm
by M2Cat
Grindhouse wrote:...

This one starter?


Re: W- OOP Ariadna Starter- paying cash

PostPosted: March 25th, 2017, 1:09 pm
by Grindhouse
Yes, that's it! I have been searching everywhere. I would very much appreciate your help.

Re: W- OOP Ariadna Starter- paying cash

PostPosted: March 25th, 2017, 4:06 pm
by Pierzasty
Threadly reminder that this box includes a separate LFT for the Veteran Kazak that's a unique part and not pictured on the studio photos.